Matt Macduff (Official Fan Page) has been so busy lately that there was no better time to finally do an interview with him. His buddies from The Rise have asked our Octane One team rider about a lot of essential and interesting things. A true inspiration!
Matt has been popping so much lately that there was no better time to finally do an interview with him. I’ve known Matt for about 5 years now, and no need to say he’s one of the best people to have around. Not only do I have a lot of respect for his riding, but especially for his attitude towards life in general. He is the most motivated, open-minded and optimistic person I know and I am extremely happy to see him succeed in what he loves because he absolutely deserves it. Hit the Read More link to find out more about his roots in biking, his accident, dyslexia, his thoughts on the sport and much more. A true inspiration!
Name: Matt Macduff
D.O.B: April 11th, 1991
Hometown: Claremont, Ontario
Current Location: Barcelona, Spain
Years riding: About 7
Sponsors: Octane One, The Rise, Fox Suspensions, Ns Bikes, GoPro & The Mountain.
Q: Let’s start this with the typical questions. How did you get into biking?
A: I used to skate way back in the day, then my mom sent me out west to go visit my uncle, I guess thats when everything changed. He lived on the Island and there wasn’t too many spots to skate, so I started going with my uncle on All mountain rides, and I guess thats where it started. I Fell in love right away and almost instantly found myself biking in the driveway instead of skating. When I got home I decided that I needed a bike, so I saved up all my money for a year and on my 15th Birthday I bought my first bike. One of the best days of my life.
Q: Who did you look up to as a kid that just got into riding and why?(I bet this will have to do with NWD)
A: At first I looked up to my uncle Rob, he was a destroyer and always kept things fun. Haha to tell you the truth it took me a while to discover NWD, At first a good friend of mine gave me a bootlegged copy of Cranked 5 (if you haven’t seen it check it out) and thats when I first discovered ‘Super T’ and ‘The Claw’. Later I discovered Cam Mccaul, Aaron Chase, Jeff L, Dangerous Dan, all theses guys where my heroes, many of wich still are to this day.
Q: Since you were riding 24’’ wheels back in the day, what made you switch to 26’’ wheels?
A: I think for me it was my size, when I was young I wasn’t so big and I found it really tough to throw my bike around. Also at the time I saw a lot of street guys riding 24s and even Darren Berrecloth had a 24 in the back so it was pretty cool. Then as I got older and bigger I started to feel almost cramped on my bike, a switch went off in my head and next set of wheels I got where 26s. A lot of people hate on 24s but I’m still a supporter. I mean, hows a 14 year old supposed to hop 360 a 30 pound 26 inch mountain bike…
Q: What motivates you to ride your bike everyday?
A: I’m really not sure man, there’s just so many little things and I guess when I add them all up, thats what makes me wanna get out and shred. I Mean right now when I look at each day and I try to make it the best I can, that just doesn’t seem possible without my bike.